How can I get the HPV vaccine for free in UK?


01/What is the HPV virus?

HPV (human papillomavirus) is a common sexually transmitted virus. Most infected people are asymptomatic, but in some cases, it can lead to the development of HPV-related diseases such as cervical, vulvar, anal, and throat cancers.

How can I get the HPV vaccine for free?

02/Why vaccinate?

In the UK, the HPV vaccine is free to all women under the age of 25 and men under the age of 45.

(*Male vaccination has relevant restrictions, please check the NHS official website)

There are currently two main HPV vaccines: Cervarix (bivalent) and Gardasil (quadrivalent and nonavalent).

The bivalent vaccine protects against two of the most common high-risk types of HPV. These two HPV viruses are the main cause of cervical cancer.


The quadrivalent vaccine protects against the four common types of HPV. This includes the two most common high-risk types of HPV, as well as two low-risk types that cause genital warts.


The nine-valent vaccine can protect the human body from more HPV infections. The nine-valent vaccine covers the four HPV types mentioned above as well as the other five high-risk HPV types.


In the UK, the nine-valent Gardasil vaccine is currently recommended. No matter which HPV vaccine you choose, getting vaccinated can effectively prevent the occurrence of HPV-related diseases.

How can I get the HPV vaccine for free?

03/How to make an appointment for vaccination?

If you decide to get the HPV vaccine, first make sure you are registered with your GP


1. Search “How to register with a GP surgery” to complete the registration.

2. Not all GPs provide HPV vaccination services. You can contact them by phone or online and ask if vaccinations are available.

3. Confirm the date of birth, name and residential address by phone/online to make an appointment.

4. After going to the GP to check the basic information, the vaccination can be completed. Another situation is to go to the recommended address for vaccination through the GP’s prescription.

How can I get the HPV vaccine for free?

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